Saturday, August 25, 2012

20% Discount on Xbox 360 Live Subscription Gold Card

This is a great deal for all those Xbox 360 gamers out there.

On amazon today I noticed a 20% discount on the Xbox 360 Gold Membership card. If anyone is like my husband, who loves playing with the 360 online, then this is a great deal for you. Instead of paying the full $59.99 for 12 mos subscription, you only pay $47.97. That's a $12.02 saving. Or you can buy the 3 mos subscription, which is usually $24.99, for $20.71. Pick which ever subscription is best for you. I personally would go for the 12 mos best the savings is bigger and the subscription is longer. Take the money you saved and put it toward you next video game purchase.

But that's not it. It gets even better. You get free shipping if you purchase is over $25. But say you don't wan't to have to wait for the card to arrive in the mail in order to apply the membership code. Well. Amazon gives you the option of receiving the code on your computer right after the purchase. Now, that is cool.

Click on the link below to view the full details of this discount. Also, check out the other Xbox 360 offers they have.

 20% Discount on Xbox LIVE 12 or 3 Month Gold Membership

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